
General Rules for Competitors in Ballroom – Latin – Solo – Team – Pro/Am, NAPLES OPEN COMPETITIONS.

– Registrations for the competitions are open from 10/1/2023 and will close on 11/25/2023.

Registration for the competition must take place via the website, in the Enter NOW section.

In the case of Italians not in possession of an IDF card, registration will be granted with an automatic surcharge at a cost of €15 (Single Participation).

For Italians, you must rely on the IDF event regulations, as well as the IDF Membership rules, which you can find on

Each Competitor has the possibility of registering for multiple competitions, respecting the right of participation dictated by the year of birth and the Category and class (where there is a faculty).

The open is accessible to everyone respecting the age access rules,
Where you will find the words L1,L2,L3,L4,B,A they are competitively competed for Italian participants.
All categories for all competitions are considered eligible if (Example):
Under 16 (not 16 years old at the time of the competition)
Over 16 (16 years old at the time of the competition)

Clothing and programs are free in the open categories from U14 upwards, while U8, U10, U12 have compulsory programs and compulsory uniform. Except for exceptions which will be reported.


In detail:



The Regulations of the WDO events and any prize money are visible on the website

The organizer is reminded that anyone who is not registered in the WDO for 2023 will not be able to take part in the event.



The duration of the musical piece is 1’05″/1.40″
The programs are free for the 5 Dance categories and for the Single Dance.
However, for the U8 & U10 & U12 categories with 2 or 4 Dances, the programs are required by BDC.
Dresses are also not allowed open, but have the same restrictions in these categories.

For all other rules of this Title, reference should be made to the IDF regulation and for the mandatory BDC programs.

Please remember that you can participate in any competition, even multiple, if your age is accepted by the category.




Choregraphic Team
Age Category for Groups

N.B. If a minimum number of GROUPS to give is not reached
life of the race or for reasons relating to the timing of the event, the Race Director can unify the categories based on the needs of the moment IN THE OPEN SECTION of the registration category or maximum one higher category, preferring the registration sector, with notice upon collection of numbers.

For each category, one over-quota is admitted for every three athletes of age belonging to the previous or next category, and 2 over-quota of higher classes for every 5 (included).

It is specified that for Italians only groups with 100% of dancers with IDF Membership can participate in the sub-specialties (Synchronized, Choreographic, Freestyle, Show).

Only for the Under 8 Category, the Coach is allowed to give directions to the group during the performance.

Track Duration
Synced 2:30
Choreographic 2:30
FreeStyle 2:30
SHOW 2:30
Open 2:30
• Each group can freely choose the piece of music to perform; • The music must be presented on a single track CD or pen drive;
• The group manager will have to provide the music by sending it to the DJ one hour before the start of the competition;
• Each Club/Society participating in the event can present an unlimited number of groups, as long as in each of them there are no dancers belonging to other groups of the same class, category and discipline (a dancer cannot clash with himself);
• Free clothing as long as the limits of decency are respected, neither a bodysuit nor a culotte can replace a skirt. High hairstyles, artificial hair, hair ornaments, color sprays or glitter are permitted. It is possible to be made up in a sober way. Jewelry is allowed (bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, etc…).

Finally, in the Open sections the 10 cm skirt limit is not mandatory. Furthermore, the dress can be two pieces but not a bikini.
• Acrobatic figures are not permitted
• A Club cannot present two groups in the same competition (e.g. 2 groups in synchronized u8)
• The Voting System in the Choreographic Team IS the traditional Skatting BallroomSystem


• A minimum of 3 Dancers.
• All dancers perform the same steps and movements in the same direction, so you can’t
perform hoop choreography;
• All the dancers maintain the initial line-up until the end of the musical piece;
• It is forbidden to remove clothing or part of clothing (hats, gloves, etc.) and introduce scenic elements onto the track.
• Acrobatic figures are not permitted.
• A minimum of 3 Dancers.

• All dancers can perform the first 15-20 seconds in sync (same steps, same movements, same direction).
• After the first 15-20 seconds all the dancers must perform a choreographic module scheme; the choreographic module involves breaking the group into several parts (not necessarily close to each other) with a minimum of 2 (two) elements per module;
• The components that form a module will have to stick to a synchronized pattern, therefore they can perform circle choreographies;
• The various modules can perform different steps, movements and directions;
• You can use the last 15-20 seconds of the piece of music to finish your choreography with a free pattern variation;
• It is forbidden to remove clothing or part of clothing (hats, gloves, etc.) and introduce scenic elements onto the track.
• Acrobatic figures are not permitted
Minimum 4 Dancers

• The Free style specialty involves the choice of choreographies with a free musical theme and technique.
It is not possible to bring props (tables, chairs, benches, etc.) onto the track and have contact between athletes.
Free style includes all those styles of academic and artistic dances, such as hip hop, belly dance, folk and repertoire dances, classical, contemporary and modern dance, and popular dances. No others are included.
A minimum of 3 dancers.
• All dancers perform a free pattern from the beginning to the end of their piece of music;
• This specialty is exempt from all the rules and limitations that regulate the Synchronized and Choreographic specialties;
• Grapples can be performed, but the execution must not be strictly in pairs; • Acrobatic figures are not permitted
• Scenic elements can be used (chairs, sticks, accessories, etc.), at the end of the performance the group is
required to leave the floor clear and clean, avoiding leaving objects that could hinder the subsequent choreographies;
• In this discipline it is recommended to use a theme and clothing appropriate to the chosen piece of music.

4. SHO 

A minimum of 2 dancers.
• All dancers perform a free pattern from the beginning to the end of their piece of music;
• This specialty is exempt from all the rules and limitations that regulate the Synchronized and Choreographic specialties;
• Grapples can be performed, but the execution must not be strictly in pairs; • Acrobatic figures are not permitted
• Scenic elements can be used (chairs, sticks, accessories, etc.), at the end of the performance the group is
required to leave the floor clear and clean, avoiding leaving objects that could hinder the subsequent choreographies;
• In this discipline it is recommended to use a theme and clothing appropriate to the chosen piece of music.
5. “Open”
All groups can perform Syncro, Chore, Freestyle and Show performances.
Minimum 3 Participants.


To ensure the correct flow of the competition and create Titles, the Competition Director has the right to combine categories and make changes to the Time Table.

For more detailed information, view the IDF regulation on